hi, i'm emily.
i'm a designer working on creating beautiful and simple experiences on web and mobile.
browse some of my work here or reach out.
i'm a designer working on creating beautiful and simple experiences on web and mobile.
browse some of my work here or reach out.

01 the block designing web products in crypto news and data
02 saver creating a zero to one savings app, website, and brand identity
03 qualtrics designing an enterprise chatbot app and code feature
04 hatch co-founding a social recruiting software startup
05 resume business running a resume redesign side hustle
01 the block
designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data
the block news designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data

01 the block
designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data
01 the block hub for digital asset news, prices, & education
designing web products in crypto news and data

02 the block pro market intelligence platform for financial professionals
designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data

01 the block
designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data
01 the block publication for digital asset news, prices, & education
designing web products in crypto news and data

02 the block pro market intelligence platform for financial professionals
designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data

02 the block pro market intelligence platform for financial professionals
designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data

02 hatch social recruiting for selective organizations
designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data

03 qualtrics automation features for a survey platform
01 the block
designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data

01 the block
designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data
04 christmas club savings app for simplified personal finance
designing web products in crypto news and data

01 the block
designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data
hatch social recruiting for selective organizations
designing web products in crypto news and data

01 the block
designing web products in crypto news and data
designing web products in crypto news and data
resumes little resume design business
designing web products in crypto news and data

02 saver
creating a zero-to-one savings app, website, & brand identity

03 qualtrics
designing a microsoft teams chatbot app & custom code integration feature

04 hatch
building a social recruiting software startup

05 resumes
running a resume design business