hello i'm emily <3
some things about me
my cat
my fav seattle view
my fav art piece
(by hiroshi nagai)
about meemail is a favorite form of communication
my cat valentino
my fav view in seattle
✳︎ i love watching youtube documentaries
✳︎ my biggest design inspirations are dieter rams and coco chanel. i think it's beautiful how they broke complex stuff (tools and fashion) down to fundamentals in a new way.
✳︎ my favorite colors in design, home decor, and outfits are white and black. but in the world i really like lavender, light sky blue, and pale pinks and greens.
✳︎ i like starbucks
∙ hi
✧ hi
✴︎ hi
✳︎ hi
▪︎ hi
emily.readey@gmail.comemail is a favorite form of communication
things i like
∙ discussing mine and others' opinions
∙ tweeting to my 3 followers
∙ documentaries about pyramid schemes
∙ documentaries about pyramid schemes
related imagery
and keep in touch on these social platforms:
(for design stuff or just wanting to talk pyramid schemes, fonts, opinions etc)